Oat Lover Bundle
100% plant-based, organic, gluten-free
without added sugar & unnecessary additives
incl. Forever Bottle & Magic Spoon
With our oat drink powder you can easily mix your own fresh oat drink at home: 2 spoons of oat powder + 200ml water, stir and you're done!
HINWEIS: Rabattierung aufgrund verkürztem MHD der Calcium Oat Base (6.12.2024)

Warum du unsere Oat Bases lieben wirst:
High quality organic ingredients
Unsere Oat Bases enthalten 100% Bio-Hafer aus Europa. Und auch alle anderen Zutaten stammen aus rein natürlichen Quellen.
Less additives, more naturalness
Stabilisatoren, Zucker- oder Ölzusätze? Kommen uns nicht in die Tüte! Wir setzen auf natürliche Rohstoffe und eine schonende Verarbeitung.
Ein High five für die Umwelt
Unsere wiederverwendbare Forever Bottle und der Magic Spoon lassen Barista-Träume wahr werden, und helfen, Verpackungsmüll zu reduzieren.
Your questions, our answers
Wie bereite ich meine Oat Bases zu?
Einfach einen gehäuften Esslöffel (10 g) mit 100 ml Wasser anshaken. Nichts parat, um den Drink anzumischen? Unsere Forever Bottle und unser Magic Spoon eilen dir zu Hilfe – du findest sie ebenfalls in unserem Online-Shop.
Do the Oat Bases contain added sugar?
Our Oat Bases contain no added sugar, no oil and no unnecessary additives. However, the Oat Bases do contain sugar from the fermentation of the oats during the manufacturing process.
Are the Oat Bases gluten-free?
Ja, alle unsere Produkte sind glutenfrei gemäß der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 41/2009. Das bedeutet, dass der Glutengehalt unter den gesetzlich vorgegebenen <20 ppm liegt und ist damit als glutenfrei deklariert.
Why does Calcium Oat Base contain red algae powder?
According to EU regulations, additives such as pure calcium carbonate are not allowed in organic foods. In order to still be able to offer you a full range of organic products and the extra portion of calcium, we have switched to a natural calcium source. Red algae contain a particularly high amount of calcium.
Can you taste the red algae in the Calcium Oat Base?
No, but it may be that the powder smells slightly different to our Organic Oat Base. However, this has no influence on the quality or safety of the product. You can therefore enjoy Calcium Oat Base without hesitation.
What is the shelf life of the Oat Bases?
They can usually be kept for several months to a year (according to the best-before date) even when opened.
How do I get the perfect foam?
Our Barista Oat Base is best suited for real barista oat foam!
Our tip: Always use water that is as cold as possible for foaming and do not allow the overall temperature to exceed 50 °C if possible.
It is also advantageous to use the specified minimum quantity in the electric frother and approx. 200 ml for hand or manual frothers.
Was macht Forever Bottle und Magic Spoon besonders?
Bye, bye drinks cartons! The reusable glass bottle in a milk carton look has 5 measuring lines (from 100-500 ml) including a dosing aid. The Magic Spoon can not only measure out the perfect amount of powder, but can also be clipped onto the Oat Bases. It is also made from renewable raw materials. With this concept, you can mix fresh oat drinks and creamy barista oat drinks at any time and save up to 90% packaging waste and CO2.
Can I put the Forever Bottle and Magic Spoon in the dishwasher?
Die Forever Bottle kann problemlos in der Spülmaschine gereinigt werden. Für den Magic Spoon empfehlen wir dies nicht, da er aus natürlichen Rohstoffen besteht und daher etwas empfindlicher auf längere Wassereinwirkung reagiert und aufquellen kann.
Is the packaging recyclable?
The packaging is made of mono plastic and is therefore 100% recyclable. Our Oat Base is an enzymatically treated foodstuff that requires packaging with particularly high barrier properties to ensure the shelf life of the product.